Friday, April 27, 2007


Coffee. Some people feel that this beverage is like "Nectar of the Gods". I know. I used to be one of them. Years ago when I worked in the medical billing industry, I used to drink cup after cup, pot after pot. I drank coffee like I drink beer now, except I drank a lot more coffee. Then one day, I had to break my habit of drinking coffee. Doctor said I had an ulcer, and weirdly enough, the coffee was irritating it and causing me severe abdominal pain. I even had to cut back on soda due to the caffeine (which was the major irritant according to the doctor). Man, how was I to survive without my wake up cup, my go-go juice, my need for speed rush at the end of the month? And no Soda to help replace wonderful coffee? I don't know exactly how I did it, but I quit drinking cold turkey. I never had DT's, or other type of physical reactions, but to walk into the local convenience store, and smell coffee brewing - ye gods, what a nightmare.

After several months of no coffee, my abdominal pains disappeared, and I considered myself "healed" and went for the pot of coffee at work one morning. Oh, I placed the full cup under my nose and stood in quiet Ecstasy and slowly inhaled the aroma. Oh, coffee bean, thou art my downfall. Thou make me shiver in delight and work ye magics in me. I exhaled and moved to take that first glorious sip, and felt the hot, flavored liquid cascade down my gullet. YES! This was the magic moment, and I am able to partake in it.

The rest of the day - I don't remember much about it. I know I enjoyed several cups of coffee, and I noticed I was suddenly making more trips to the restroom. I didn't recall that aspect of my drink relationship to have been happening before. After about a week of return to life as normal (if you can call mine that) I was working at the desk, when the Abdominal Pains returned to haunt me. And oh, did they return with a proud vengeance, and brought tears to my eyes for all the attention they provided me. Yes, Mr. Ulcer decided there was a large influx of coffee in the diet very recently. Again I had to quit drinking the heavenly flavored drink.

Since that time, it has been about 14 years. I still imbibe a cup every once in awhile. Far enough days in between to keep Mr. Ulcer happy. But I still get twisted in my emotions whenever I smell a fresh brew being made, and my mouth waters for just the smallest of tastes.

Know ye that this day, yon gods have blessed me, and I have again, partaken of their nectar. And DAMN! It was good today.