Monday, May 7, 2007

How We Met

(Names have been changed to protect those I didn't ask prior to using them. Normally it wouldn't be a problem, but better be safe this way. I don't like lawsuits.)

She was a looker. Right from the Book Of Ralph I swear she was … lean legs, shaven, and a slight tan look to them. Well proportioned and toned, no sign of cellulite, dimples or crazy pores. Rounding up to the bottom of her shorts. Okay, ass is appearing firm in clothes, no obvious jiggle in the walk; not overly plump, but she does have hips so she’s a breeder. Straight back, nice long hair to the middle; posture is good, as is the side view of breasts. Yes, we are talking C’s or better, nice neckline, not showing any cleavage today, but that’s okay. Gorgeous face, nothing out of place or deformed. Yeah, she’s a 9 in the book. Wonder what she is doing here?

Here of course being the parking lot of the church my parents force me to attend. At 17, I had been “attending” since I was 15. I never cared or it, but hey had a pretty decent youth group, so I did a lot of the activities to get out of the homestead. This particular weekend, it was a trip to Casa Grande for an All-State Church of God Youth Volleyball tournament. Yee haw for sure. All I was certain about was I was out of the house for the whole day!

My buddy, George, nudges me. “See the new girl over there by Jennifer?”
“Of course. I have already checked her out. Who she with?”
“Jennifer. It’s here best friend from school. I guess her parents are out of town on a convention and she is staying with Jen until they get back.” He smiles at me. “So you know what that means?” The smile turns villainous.
“No. Why don’t you tell me?”
“You’re going to be around her a bit this weekend. Since Jen and I are going out, maybe you should be the good guy you are and help me get some time alone with Jen. You are my wingman, right?” That smile is getting more and more vicious looking.

I paused, and thought. George and I were same grade – different schools. We lived like 2 miles from each other and usually did a lot of hanging out together. We had hiked the Grand Canyon, rafted some rivers, and gone camping many times over the last couple summers. Recently he had started dating Jen, and I was usually a tag-along. ‘Well, she ain’t bad looking at all. What could it hurt?’

“Ok, G. I’ll try to help you out. But if she is a total brain dead, you are going to owe me.”

We mosey on over to the girls. The bus was getting ready to be loaded, and everyone was standing around. I put on my shades (80’s style Ray Bans knock-offs) and turned to the girls. We made brief introductions and I found out her name was Roseanne – Rose for short. Through info George had given me, we knew she was my age, and same grade. So here I was nervous for two reasons 1) she sure was pretty and 2) I wonder if she could hold a decent conversation about a normal topic.

The bus loaded up and Rose and I ended up sharing seats across from each other. George and Jen were seated behind Rose. I was my usual self as we rolled along the interstate. Cracking jokes, playing my radio/cassettes, being ‘cool’. There was quite a bit of ‘safe’ conversation going on between the four of us, and I learned she could hold a conversation, and actually had some of the same likes as I. It was turning into a not so bad thing to play wingman.

We arrived in Casa Grande, and ran a couple practice games before settling in to wait our turn. It came; we lost, and moved on to other things. We had a whole afternoon before heading home. George and Jen decided to disappear for lunch, so that left Rose and I looking for some common ground to talk about. Of course she shared she was with Jen for the week, which was spring break for them. There was a pause.

“Why don’t you take off your sunglasses?” she asked me.
“Because it is sunny out here.”
“ You have not taken them off since I met you this morning at the church. Not once. Not while playing or anything. I want to see your eyes.”

I am suddenly thinking, I got this girl liking me. This ain’t so bad after all! “ Nope. No can do. If I were to take them off, then you could see into my soul and that would just not suffice.”
“Why,” she smirks so nicely,” afraid I might see the REAL you?”
“Of course you would. Then I would probably have to do something evil like kill you so you don’t let anyone else know.”

She laughs and playfully reaches to take my sunglasses. I jump up and dodge away and we play this game for a bit. Then tiredly, sit back down and start discussing other topics. It was so easy talking to her, and her smiles were like day brighteners – another reason I kept the shades on.

Eventually, all things come to an end and we headed back to the bus. George and Jen had been looking for us for a couple hours, obviously not very hard. The girls sat together on the ride home, so George and I sat in the back.

“Get along ok?” he asks.
“Yeah pretty much. We got some things in common so it wasn’t too bad.”
“Cool. Jen and I are going to the movies this week.”
“And? So what?”
“Well, Rose is staying with Jen, and maybe you could ask Rose out to the movies with us.”
“I’ll ask to see if I can. You know how my parents are. I’ll call you.”

The next day was Sunday, so I got to see her again when she came with Jen. We didn’t get much time to talk, but I did get her phone number. Good thing I was attendance taker for class, and we always ask for the phone number of new persons to call and invite them back. Nothing was said about the movies, and she and Jen had to leave right after class.

Wednesday came around, and I got to see Rose again. This time she had driven herself and we were able to talk a bit after class. I mentioned the movie that George and Jen were going to the next night, and asked her if she would like to go. She agreed (with a pretty smile) and so we made plans for her to pick me up (as I had no car – thanks parents).

The next night was nice. We all met at the theater, and I paid for her ticket, but she refused to let me buy her snack food. “After all” she said, “this isn’t an actual date is it?”
I being shy said no of course not. The movie was “K-9” with Jim Belushi, and about ¾ of the way through, she held my hand. So much for it not being a date. After the movie, she dropped me off at home, and “Nice eyes. I finally got to see you without your dumb sunglasses.”

I had no idea when I would see her again.

Come Sunday, she was in class at our church. Seems her parents were back, and they let her decide which church she wanted to attend. Wednesday she was back again for class.
Both times we talked a bit, and she would sit with George and Jen in the row ahead of me (I always had to sit with my family). After that first week, I decided I would call her. What followed next is hard to remember, but I know we talked on the phone for an hour at a time, not saying a lot. We would meet at church and youth events. And by the end of summer we were dating.

Two years later, outside her college dorm, I proposed using my class ring until I got her an engagement ring. She said yes, and 7 months later we were married. That was just over 16 years ago from this date, and she hasn’t changed. She still has them sexy legs, firm ass, nice posture and pretty face. After four kids life hasn’t ravaged her, and at times she still turns to me and says,

“Take off them shades and let me see into your eyes.”